Schiller Park Transponder Key Duplication
At Locksmith Schiller Park we pride ourselves on doing all sorts of automotive key work. We can duplicate any type of keys that you have misplaced or simply are not working for you. This list of keys we duplicate includes regular, transponder and sidewinder lock keys. We have to be able to duplicate any type of key because of all the different lock types that are found in vehicles in Schiller Park these days.
Not only our the auto locksmiths we employ very knowledgeable as it pertains to key duplication, but their service vehicles also have the latest key duplication equipment right onboard them. Without a doubt, the toughest keys to duplicate are transponder keys. These are the most dominant keys you will find in the auto marketplace today. They are difficult keys to duplicate because they actually have functioning electronic parts on them.
These keys do such things as lock/unlock your car doors, activate and disable your vehicle’s alarm, and most have a panic button on them too. The trick is matching up these functions with corresponding signal receivers on the host vehicle. Fortunately, our locksmiths are highly skilled when it comes to making duplicate transponder keys that work.
We can do any transponder key duplications you need as part of a regularly scheduled locksmith appointment or as part of a quick responding emergency locksmith service call.